I've been wanting to show this for some time but wasn't allowed because it wasn't released/built/finished.
This is a website that I designed for a sub sector of the London 2012 Olympic Games called "Bridging the Gap."
It's main focus is to boost employment for security staff at the games next year and I was put in charge of art direction for it. I've loosely based my design on the existing geometric London 2012 design but given it a stronger linear design to reflect on a strong controlled propriety of a security force.
The most annoying part about this project was that the branding for the website was done already. I had no say on the design of the logo which really bugged me. I hated the logo. Still do to be honest. Secondly, when you visit the site it, it has this horrible header on the top of every page, again something I wasn't allowed to change which was equally frustrating, so I just scrolled down for the screenshots because i'm smart like that.
Visit the site
Index of Screenshots:
#1 eShot
#2 Student Homepage
#3 Student Homepage with Progression Bar in Progress
#4 Student Profile Page
#5 Page for HE Student to apply