Monday, February 6


1. Type Revolution
Getting this was one of those rare moments I beet all the blogs. I avidly rummage through behance seeing if I can pick up any independant gemts, be they publication, poster or otherwise. This came across on a search for typographic layout. A 16-page boast. What the paper servers as is an advert for the website HypeForType, showcasing their newsest and best fonts. Designed by randomers pretty much (Ryan Atkinson & Stephan de Lange) whose work I've seen on behance before but though nothing of it. It's really nice and reminds me of finding the Toormix Paper randomly, also off behance.

2. Little White Lies Issue 39
I've seen this publication floating around for ages and to tell the truth, firstly I don't know why I didn't get it before, and secondly, what made me subscribe. Slightly contradicting statements but I'll try to explain. I was skeptical to getting the magazine because it was "just another subscription" (to pile on top of my CR sub, It's nice that sub, Wrap sub and more) but then at the end of Jan I decided I may as well get it in fear that i'm missing out on some quality stuff here. If it keeps popping up, it has to be for a valid reason.

3. A Smile In Mind
Finally, this old thing. And do you know what made me get this?
This picture. I thought if they have to nerve to burn a Golden pencil and then just one graphic design related book after it, on the same barbecue. This book has to mean something. The burning pic was to advertise a "Designer's Barbecue" held last July for top end designers. My invite... probably lost in the mail... or burnt.